Furniture Maker's Shop

Thomas William Furniture is located in Southeastern Wisconsin, between Madison and Milwaukee in a town most people have a hard time saying, Oconomowoc. The shop is 900' feet and houses one furniture maker, Tom Dumke. Tom's commute to work is a short one, 50 feet. He starts his day at 6:00 a.m. and continues through until 5:00 p.m. six days a week, Sunday is his day off.

We built the shop and our home in 2002. The design of the shop is complimentary with the design of our home. I remember our neighbors thinking it was a mother-in-law suite when we first built it. The shop was the first to go up as building the shop first allowed us to do a lot of our own work on our home.

In January 2003, Tom expressed to me he wanted to quit his CNC machining job and go full-time with his woodworking business. Knowing the talent and gift he had been given, I knew that he was to go full-time. . .but not just yet. Tom's first day full-time was June 1, 2003.

Tom has dedicated much of his life to mastering traditional woodworking methods. He creates carefully hand-crafted furniture from a selection of superior hardwoods. He evaluates the wood for grain-pattern, texture, density, balance and color, with the trained eye of a master craftsman and the heart of a true artist. Careful attention to detail ensures a superior product that will grace your home with a simple and lasting beauty.

Our shop and home are on 2.2 acres which gives us room to breath. Our neighbor, Val, had already planted a prairie around her home and had a good start on it. We thought about it and saw the beauty of the prairie, wild flowers indigenous to Wisconsin, we decided to do the same. It took about three years to prepare and after 18 years, we have an acre of wild flowers that surrounds our shop and home.

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